Protect What You Love To Drive

Four ways to protect your automobile with The Brimberry Agency!

Find The Right Auto Insurance Coverages For You

Full coverage car insurance with The Brimberry Agency administers property, liability, and medical coverage with care, and today, we’ve got four tips on how how to protect your ride and keep your insurance rates low! Using these tips will ensure your car stays on the road, enjoying the ride that is life!

parking garage

Be Sure To Park Your Car In A Safe Place!

The best place to park your car is inside your garage, with the door closed and locked. If you don’t have a garage, park in a well-lit area. If you’re parking outdoors on your property, install a bright motion sensor light to discourage thieves. If you have a front-wheel-drive vehicle, park it front first, and if your ride has a rear-wheel-drive, back your vehicle into your driveway. Keeping your car safe means it’s less likely to be stolen, saving your ride and your insurance rates!

road with drive safe painted on

Handle With Care

When you drive with intelligence and care, you ensure your safety and the safety of others who share the road with you. Drivers shouldn’t constantly push cars to the limit. Frequent hurried acceleration and harsh braking can take a toll on your vehicle over time and possibly affect your discount if you're enrolled in a usage-based insurance program. Always navigate the road with care and consideration and drive in control.

a variety of gas station pumps

Are You Using The Right Gas?

Make sure you fuel your car with the proper gasoline octane recommended in the owner’s manual. If your vehicle requires premium gasoline, putting in a lower quality can result in your engine producing strange sounds that are often described as a ting or knock. If you usually use a lower octane of gasoline than required, it can lead to engine damage, deteriorated performance, and diminished fuel efficiency.

four new tires with a car in the background

Use The Right Tires, Save Money!

Ensure your tires are correctly inflated to the required PSI at all times. You should check the air pressure of your tires at least once a month as well. Setting reminders on your mobile phone can help keep you honest! Tires that aren't appropriately inflated are usually more susceptible to flats and blowouts, resulting in severe accidents. Tires that have undergone regular maintenance can also help save gas money!

Find the right auto insurance coverages for you with The Brimberry Agency and experience the freedom of the road all over again! High performance, horsepower, brand, design, and safety features can all affect price points for sports car insurance. Contact The Brimberry Agency for further information about full coverage car insurance!