Why Flood Coverage Is Important

The Brimberry Agency is sharing four reasons why you should invest in flood coverage!

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flooded bedroom

Are You Prepared for Floods?

The climate of the US is changing every day, and that’s why you should start considering the benefit of flood coverage for your home. The Brimberry Agency is sharing four reasons flood insurance for your home is a bright idea!

flooded living room

Floods Are Natural Hazard

Floods and flash floods occur in all 50 states, meaning pretty much everyone in the US lives in or owns a business located in a flood zone. High-risk flood areas are not the only ranges at risk: about 25% of flood insurance claims come from moderate to low-risk areas! This is due to the US’s geographical distribution of low-lying coastal areas and river floodplains.

flooded kitchen caused by dishwasher

Floods Aren’t Always Caused By Hurricanes And Rain

Overlooked weather scenarios can also cause flooding as well. Floods have been caused by mudslides, winter storms, and warm weather melts. Defective drainage systems and collapsed protective devices like dams and levees can also cause floods. Just because you’ve never experienced a surge, it doesn’t mean it’s never going to happen, just that it hasn’t happened yet. Investing in flood insurance protects the people and things that you love!

natural disaster requiring federal assistance

Federal Assistance Comes At A Cost!

Did you know that any federal assistance you receive during a flooding event is treated as a loan and is expected to be paid back with interest? That means you can count on adding at least 4% in payments per month to your expenses on any amount you borrow. However, with flood insurance, a $100,000 premium only costs you $33 a month.

Homeowner’s insurance is a different form of property insurance that protects a policyholder’s home from losses to the physical house itself or possessions within the home. With the Brimberry Agency, we take the time to help you understand your policy fully and completely, so the protection you need is the protection you get.